Praise Is the Key

by | Jun 25, 2018

He sent Judah before him

“Then he sent Judah before him to Joseph, to point out before him the way to Goshen. And they came to the land of Goshen” Genesis 46:28  (NKJV)

Whenever you need directions to your Goshen, send Praise to the Almighty God.

Jacob needed to get to his longtime fulfillment of meeting Joseph and begin his enjoyable purposeful life in the prosperous and peaceful part of Egypt. (Goshen).

He put forward Praise to get him there. 

Judah (Praise-GOD) is your key to consecutive victory in all your purposeful assignments in life.

Israel was ready to go to war Judah was put first to lead the way. “All that were numbered in the camp of Judah… These shall first set forth.” Numbers 2:9 (KJV)

Again we see Praise at work in giving Victory to the children of Israel in another war “As soon as they started shouting and praising, GOD set ambushes against the men of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir as they were attacking Judah, and they all ended up dead. The Ammonites and Moabites mistakenly attacked those from Mount Seir and massacred them. Then, further confused, they went at each other, and all ended up killed.” 2 Chronicles 20:22-23 (MSG).

As you seek direction and victory in your life’s assignment, let Praise lead the way, and surely your success is guaranteed. 

Your enemies will be confused and destroyed as in the scriptures above when you engage in Praise as they did. 

Remember again when they needed the wall of Jericho to come down, they shouted praise, and the wall came down (Joshua 6:20).

In Acts 16 Paul and Silas were thrown into jail. They sang their praises to God HE responded, and they were set free (Acts 16:25-40).

Praise your way to continuous direction and Victory 

Let Judah lead the way. 


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