The Inner Person.

by | Jul 30, 2021

The Inner Person.
But let the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. 1 Peter 3:4. (KJV).

How do you “package” yourself before stepping out?
How much time do you spend in front of a mirror?
Do you enjoy cleaning the house before receiving visitors?
Why do you do that if you do not enjoy it?
How much money do you spend to impress people?
Are you friendly with people?
What do you do or say behind their back?
What are your inner thoughts towards your friends?
How pure is your heart?
Do you honor your mother and father?
Are you gentle and kind towards other people?
Are you obedient?
Do you help others in need?
These are part of inner beauty.
This is of great value to God.
Are you leading a life approved by God?
Application to the Christian life:

Give more attention to your inner life.

God sees your heart.
He knows all your inner motives.
Check constantly that your heart is right before God.
True life is not about impressing people.
It is about pleasing God.
Live to please Him.


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