Your Best Can Be Better

by | May 1, 2017


And He said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel;for you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed.”Genesis 32:28
In the above verse Jacob became Israel. Earlier Jacob had recorded some successes before this time. He had through manipulation got his brother’s birthright .He had also deceived his father Isaac to get his blessings and he made it to Laban where they both outwit each other and by all means life was better for Jacob at the end of his contract with Laban
He had to return to his homeland and he realized he was going to face Esau then he was afraid that nemesis might catch up with him. 
Then he had an encounter with God, which permanently changed his status with God and man.
You may have achieved some success in one-way or the other but do you really have that true blessings form God?
Are you living and fulfilling your purposeful life today?
Jacob knew that even before he was born God had purposed to bless him.
“As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated”. Romans 9:13
Jacob made up his mind to completely surrender his destiny to God and from that encounter not only his name changed his status also changed.
You too like Jacob may know what your destiny is supposed to be.
That purposeful life of yours can truly become a reality if you will totally yield your all to God almighty and let him from now on declare you like Israel that you have truly prevailed.


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