Are we blind?

by | Feb 10, 2021

Are we blind?
“Jesus told him, “I came to judge the people of this world. I am here to give sight to the blind and to make blind everyone who can see.” “When the Pharisees heard Jesus say this, they asked, “Are we blind?””Jesus answered, “If you were blind, you would not be guilty. But now that you claim to see, you will keep on being guilty.””John‬ ‭9:39-41( ‭CEV‬‬‬‬‬‬)‬‬‬‬‬‬

When you take the position of the Pharisees on spiritual issues, you are blind.
You need to examine and evaluate your self whether you are truly seeing God at work.
Do you have the mind of Christ on issues, or you just flow with what is popular?
In the Kingdom of God, it is about what God is saying.

It’s never about tradition nor fame.

The Pharisees were so much into seeing things naturally that they became blind to the move of God.
Are you also blind to the supernatural around you?

“Who is as blind as my servant Israel or as deaf as the messenger I send? Who is as blind as my covenant friend, as blind as Yahweh’s servant? Israel, you have seen so much, but you don’t get it! You have been taught so much, but what did you really hear?” Isaiah 42:19-20 (TPT)

Eli, the old prophet, thought Hannah was drunk.
He was spiritually blind.
When Jesus talked about the temple being destroyed and built again in three days

The leaders then accused him of wanting to destroy the physical temple.
Do you see dancing entertainment when others are sincerely worshiping God?
Are you off the frequency of what God is saying and doing?

Don’t get so used to God that you have confined and limited Him.

Don’t be a blind and deaf servant of the Lord.
Keep in tune with the Word and the Holy Spirit.
Learn to discern and hear God on a continuous and consistent basis.
“Stop!” Samuel said. “Let me tell you what the Lord told me last night.” “All right,” Saul answered. 1 Samuel 15:16 (CEV)
What did God tell you last night…?
What is God telling you now?
Are you blind?
“To know you is to experience a flowing fountain, drinking in your life, springing up to satisfy. In your light, we receive the light of revelation.” Psalm 36:9(TPT)
Work and Walk in the Light of God.


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