Created Unto Good Works.

by | Sep 4, 2019

Created Unto Good Works.
 “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10) KJV
You are the workmanship of God.
You are His product, craft, and work of art.
This a fundamental truth and you need never to forget it.
You are not a photocopy or a duplicate.
Even though there are more than seven billion people on the earth, there is no one like you, with your DNA, with your fingerprints.
You are a unique masterpiece.
You are wonderfully and fearfully made.
You are the meticulous brainwork of the mastermind.
You are destined for good and significant works that have been made in advance purposefully for you.
 God has designed a right and great path for you.
You are to walk on this path that is already created for you so you can achieve your God-given destiny.
Today make the right choices that line up with your destiny.
 Depend on the Holy Spirit inside of you to daily guide you to fulfillment.
You are a rare original product created by God for the good works.
 Let that good work continuously come from your life as you do only the things HE has asked you to do.
Jesus said I do only the things I hear from my Father.
Be like Him today, hear Him, and do good works. 


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