What is your upbringing and custom ?

by | Sep 4, 2017

“So He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read.” Luke 4:16

Jesus’s upbringing and custom propelled him to consistently go into the synagogue and it was there that He announced his mandate which was Purposefully fulfilled. 
How is your upbringing and custom impacting your purpose in life ?
Sometimes the choices our parents and guardians have made for us had either propelled us or removed us from our Purposeful life. 
However as we completely surrender our lives to the Lord we are to imbibe and embrace the upbringing and custom of the kingdom of God.
When Saul was converted and became Paul he embraced the custom which advanced his Purposeful life. 
“As was Paul’s custom, he went to the synagogue service, and for three Sabbaths in a row he used the Scriptures to reason with the people.” Acts 17:2
How are you doing today? 
 Is your upbringing and custom advancing your kingdom purpose?
You may also be in a privileged position to influence the lives of others entrusted to your care, are you helping them towards fulfilling their God given destiny? 
Resolve today that through your choices your upbringing and custom will be channeled to enable you to fulfill your God given destiny. 


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