Are you a Faithful and Wise Servant?

by | Sep 23, 2020

Who are faithful and wise servants?
“The Lord answered: Who are faithful and wise servants? Who are the ones the Master will put in charge of giving the other servants their food supplies at the proper time? Servants are fortunate if their Master comes and finds them doing their job. A servant who is always faithful will surely be put in charge of everything the Master owns.” Luke 12:42-44 (CEV)
Are you a Faithful and Wise Servant?
How are you treating others that you have the privilege of being responsible for?
Are you primarily concerned about yourself and you very self only?
Are you A trustworthy and thoughtful manager?
Are you a faithful steward?
Are you a wise, skilled manager?
Take time out today and reflect on how you treat others.

God wants you to take care of others just as our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ did.
Indeed, there will be a day when the Master will check out what you are doing.
However, that day and time you don’t know (Luke 12:46)
Be that Faithful and Wise servant that will be rewarded any time the Master appears.


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