Keep the ways of the Lord.

by | Mar 21, 2022

Keep the ways of the Lord.
“For I have kept the ways of the Lord and have not wickedly departed from my God.” Ps18:21.(KJV).
Are you keeping the ways of the Lord?
David could praise God for helping him.
“HE delivered me from my strong enemy.” (Ps.18:17. KJV).
Why could David praise God?
God helped him from a strong enemy.
Why did God help Him?
David kept the ways of the Lord.
Even with challenging situations
David remained loyal to God.
David resisted evil.
He did not ‘wickedly depart’ from God.
Do you want to find favor with God?
Do you want God to save you from strong enemies?
“I will follow his commands, and I’ll not sin by ceasing to follow him, no matter what.” Psalms 18:21 (TPT)
No Matter what !!!.
Follow His Instructions.
Let the Holy Spirit always be your guide.
Application to the Christian life:
Remain faithful to God.
Keep His ways.
Resist evil.


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