Your promises are the source of my bubbling joy.

by | May 13, 2020

Your promises are the source of my bubbling joy.
“Your promises are the source of my bubbling joy; the revelation of your word thrills me like one who has discovered hidden treasure.” Psalm 119:162 (TPT)
What keeps you going in times like this?
It is the Word!

Not just the Word, the Revelations that comes from the written Word of God.
“I’ve been slandered unmercifully by the politicians, but my awe at your words keeps me stable. I’m ecstatic over what you say, like one who strikes it rich.”Psalm 119:161-162 (MSG)
“Rulers are cruel to me for no reason. But with all my heart, I respect your words, because they bring happiness like treasures taken in war.”
Psalm 119:161-162 (CEV)
Your survival is not with politicians nor rulers.
It depends entirely on the Word.

How is your spiritual life?
What are you feeding it with?
News, different tales, theories, and analysis from social media?
“A healthy spirit conquers adversity, but what can you do when the spirit is crushed?” Proverbs 18:14 (MSG)
“The will to live sustains you when you’re sick,[a] but depression crushes courage and leaves you unable to cope.” Proverbs 18:14 (TPT)
Be living proof of an overcoming believer.
Feed your spirit with the Word of God.
Your healthy spirit, will to live, and fulfill the whole purpose of God for your life is dependent on His Word that you know, say, and act on.
“The powerful elite have persecuted me without a cause, but my heart trembles in awe because of your miracle-words. Your promises are the source of my bubbling joy; the revelation of your Word thrills me like one who has discovered hidden treasure.” Psalm 119:161-162 (TPT)
Stay True.
Stay Focused.
Stay Standing.
Stay Dependent…on the WORD.


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