Who can be against you?

by | Jul 27, 2022

Who can be against you?

“What shall we then say to these things? If God be with us, who can be against us?” Rom. 8:31.(KJV).

Many people persecute God’s children.

They use different methods.

In some situations, Christians are put into jail because of their faith…

Sometimes they are killed. 

Others are not so vicious.

They make life difficult in a subtle way. Others just mock you.

Whatever the situation may be:

God remains in command. 

He may allow things to happen. 

You may not understand the reason. 

It is not for you to initially understand the ways of God. 

He has the complete and total picture.

Know that God chose you to inherit His Kingdom. 

It does not matter how it will happen.

At the end :

You will come out victorious.

Can you trust God?

Application to the Christian life: 

Trust God.

Allow Him to guide you.

Do not fear those against God.


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