When the LORD Saw.

by | Aug 2, 2021

When the LORD Saw.
“The Messenger of the LORD appeared to him there as flames of fire coming out of a bush. Moses looked, and although the bush was on fire, it was not burning up. So he thought, “Why isn’t this bush burning up? I must go over there and see this strange sight.” When the LORD saw that Moses had come over to see it, God called to him from the bush, “Moses, Moses!” Moses answered, “Here I am!” Exodus 3:2-4 (GW)

When the LORD saw that, he turned away [from the flock] to look.
When the LORD saw that, he turned aside to see
He went over to investigate. Then God called out to him
When the LORD saw that he had gone over to look.

To hear God clearly, you must “pause” for a moment to look and listen.
Do you want to know what God is doing in your purposeful life?
Then create time to turn away from the flocks for a moment.
Moses saw the extraordinary that the bush was on fire but not consumed.

He did not just wave it off.
He took his eyes off his primary assignment of tending to the flock.
Have you been asking God to speak to you lately?
Then you must disengage yourself a bit from your busy schedule to hear Him.

Prayers are not just blabbing all that you want.
It involves turning aside to hear Him speak to you.
Jesus not only prayed, but He consistently listens to God.
“So Jesus said, “I speak to you eternal truth. The Son is unable to do anything from himself or through his own initiative. I only do the works that I see the Father doing, for the Son does the same works as his Father.” John5:19(TPT)
As you start this new month, turn aside and listen to Him.


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