Walk not after the flesh.

by | Mar 5, 2018

Walk not after the flesh.

“That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit”Roman 8:4(KJV)

Don’t base your decision on what your flesh prompts you to do instead let the Holy Spirit lead you in all that you do. 

All that glitters is not always gold. Many fake things glitter than gold. 

Lot based his choice of the Land on how fertile the land appeared, but he almost lost everything because the spiritual community was opposed to God. 

The Holy Spirit is always available to lead you practically in all areas of your life. 

As you go about your life’s assignments today, be led by the Holy Spirit and not just your flesh. 

Renew your mind with the Word of God so that the Holy Spirit and your Spirit man will have enough capacity to guide you. 

Don’t just hang around the famous places and people. Be led by the Holy Spirit even in your evangelism. 

It’s also applicable to what you eat. Eat healthily. Choose your food and drink on what will give life and longevity to your body and not just what your flesh wants. 

Your healthy and robust body is essential in carrying out your life’s assignments. 

Let the dynamic power of the Holy Spirit be your guide and not just your flesh. 


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