Jesus is the Sweetest Name I know.

by | Apr 16, 2021

Jesus is the Sweetest Name I know.

“Jesus is the Sweetest Name I know,
And He’s just the same as His lovely Name,
That’s the reason why that I love Him so;
For Jesus is the Sweetest Name I know.
(Yes, he is)
I love Him, I love Him,
Because he first loves me,
And he purchased my salvation,
On calvary’s tree.”
(Song by Jimmy Swaggart)

Is the Name of Jesus still so sweet to you?

Do you still feel that aura of Love and closeness when you call that Name?
Has it become so common that the mention of the Name is now ordinary?
We have been bombarded with a lot of information and misinformation.
It has affected our passionate response and the meaning of the Name.
Today I ask you sincerely in your heart of heart.
When you hear the Name Jesus what does it convey to you?
How do you treat that Name?
How do you use that Name?
How do you say that Name?
How do you share that Name?

“I long to drink of you, O God, to drink deeply from the streams of pleasure flowing from your presence. My longings overwhelm me for more of you! My soul thirsts, pants, and longs for the living God. I want to come and see the face of God.” Psalm 42:1-2(TPT)
David sustained a continuous moment by moment relationship with God.
That should be our passion and heartbeat towards our Savior too.
To many spouses in Love, the Name of one another kicks off a lot in each other.
Either by phone call, text, or email, it gets special attention.
When you are around them, you will quickly know who wants their attention.
Watch their reaction when someone mentions that he saw or spoke with either.
You will know that they are definitely in Love with each other.
Again, how is the Name of Jesus to you today?
When HE wants to talk to you, does HE get your attention?
Do you seek that intimate moment with Him too?
Don’t let that Name become just a routine.
Like the world’s major currencies, they deliver their worth in the transaction you engage them with.
“The Name of Jesus is higher than all names
Just name a sickness, or any problem
At the mention of that Name they bow they fall
The Name of Jesus is higher than them all” {David Ingles}
How are you using that excellent Name of Jesus?
Is it still the sweetest Name to you?


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