Waiting on God

by | Mar 14, 2017

In Christianity we have always used the phrase of waiting on God to mean knowing God’s truth on any issue we need clarification on. 
The truth is God has all day been waiting on us to know Him more and walk within the purpose of our lives. 
We sometimes struggle with impatience because we want to act right now. 
We are used to reacting to issues based on our five senses. 
Knowing the truth about any matter requires a consistent relationship with God not just on what we cannot immediately figure out but walking and working with Him in all that we do. 
“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.”Ephesians 3:20
From the above scripture there is a clear responsibility from us to ask or think before He will do more.
You must use your imagination to shape your desires on the subject matter. 
Think it true thoroughly. Like Abraham see the abundance beyond the stars. 
It’s not like lottery where you can scramble any number and expect to win. Relationship with God is not guesswork. 
So if you don’t ask or think and you go to Him blank that means you get zero. 
Don’t come to God without searching the scriptures that surrounds what you are asking Him to direct you on. Relationship built on His Word is the most secured guaranteed guidance you can get on any issue. 
That’s why truly it’s those that wait upon the Lord with relevant scriptures that guide their asking or thinking that gets assured guidance,renew their strength, mount up,soar high above those challenges and emerge victorious. 
Yes you are waiting on God but how? 


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