The work they must do

by | Oct 24, 2018

The work they must do

“Teaching them the decrees and laws, showing them the way they must walk and the work they must do.” Exodus 18:20 (AMPC)

The work they must do?

Does a relationship with God requires work?


You must work to sustain and continuously maintain your relationship with God.

Jethro Moses’s father-in-law in giving the counsel above enumerated that every child of God has the doing part they must do in oiling their relationship with God.

Christianity is not just faith it and claim it, it requires work.

Many are only taught today that all you need to do is just pray and believe God for miracles.

Great. Prayers and Faith are essential ingredients, but there is still the work you have to do.

However, the works you have to do are “not hard labor work,” 

 There are always practical steps you have to take on your side as God does his own side of the bargain.

“What is the use (profit), my brethren, for anyone to profess to have faith if he has no [good] works [to show for it]? Can [such] faith save [his soul]?” James 2:14 AMPC)

Apostle Paul clearly states that your work and faith should be evident.

“But someone might object and say, “One person has faith, and another person has worked.” Go ahead then and prove to me that you have faith without works and I will show you faith by my works as proof that I believe.” James 2:18  (TPT)

As you lay claim to the promises of God and confess them, please find out also what is required of you to bring your dreams to reality successfully.

“True love for God means obeying his commands, and his commands don’t weigh us down as heavy burdens.”  1 John 5:3  (TPT)

Relationship with God requires your own work to do.

  A lazy person cannot enjoy a good relationship with God.

 Indeed Jesus paid it all with His life, but it is delivered to you with your willing and joyful, active participation.

What to do?

“…..Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.”Philippians 2:12 (KJV)

Find out from God what you need to do to actualize your dreams and be a fulfilled child of God. 


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