Trust In God.

by | Aug 22, 2022

Trust In God.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5. (KJV).
Obviously, as a child, you trusted your parents.
They were the natural default guide.
You possibly asked them for advice when you had a problem?
Maybe you still go to them?
Somehow as a person grows older, you trust your own abilities.
You do not ask for help anymore.
Your relationship with God is different.
You daily consistently trust Him.
You can never outgrow God.
Jesus as man depended entirely on God.
They were inseparable.
What is separating you from God?
In the Bible, we can see the help God gave those who trusted Him.
We also see the difference when somebody does not follow God. Ultimately, we cannot do anything without the help of God.
God is the One deciding what we can do or what we cannot do.
Do you think you can do something without the help of God?
I don’t think so either.
Application to the Christian life:
Be humble.
Trust God to help you.
Ask His blessings.


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