Them that feared the Lord and that thought upon His Name.

by | Mar 30, 2022

Them that feared the Lord and that thought upon His Name.
“Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name.” Malachi 3:16(KJV).
Those who feared the Lord spoke to one another.
What did they speak about?
They honored God.
They discussed the wonderful things God did for them.
They also cry because of the dark times in their lives.
God heard everything.
He was pleased with them.
He wrote everything in a book of remembrance.
God promised to care for them.
He protects them and gathers them to be with Him.
What do you speak about when you are with your friends?
Do you speak about what God did for you?
Do you discuss the future and what you should do to please God?
Do you want your name in the Book of Remembrance?
What are you doing to do to get your name there?
Application to the Christian life:
Do the things that will please God.
Daily Allow the Holy Spirit to be part of your life.


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