“But what have I done to deserve this?”

by | Aug 14, 2017

Obadiah said, “But what have I done to deserve this? Ahab will kill me. As surely as your God lives, there isn’t a country or kingdom where my master hasn’t sent out search parties looking for you. And if they said, ‘We can’t find him; we’ve looked high and low,’ he would make that country or kingdom swear that you were not to be found. And now you’re telling me, ‘Go and tell your master Elijah’s found!’ The minute I leave you the Spirit of God will whisk you away to who knows where. Then when I report to Ahab, you’ll have disappeared and Ahab will kill me. And I’ve served God devoutly since I was a boy! Hasn’t anyone told you what I did when Jezebel was out to kill the prophets of God, how I risked my life by hiding a hundred of them, fifty to a cave, and made sure they got food and water? And now you’re telling me to draw attention to myself by announcing to my master, ‘Elijah’s been found.’ Why, he’ll kill me for sure.” 1 Kings 18:9-14
Are you lately in a situation like Obadiah was and you are saying to yourself what have you done to deserve this? 
You have served God to the best of your ability but the results you get are not matching your expectations? .
 It appears that rather than God showing up HE is requesting you to do more risky of foolish things that will further make more mockery of your faith?
You are not alone in what you are going through. Keep Holding on.
That encounter with Elijah resulted with manifestation of the victory God had purposed yet it required one more faithful obedience to God by Obadiah to facilitate this.
“So let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith.” Galatians 6:9
Don’t give up now. Consolidate your victory. Step out one more time in faith with God and like Elijah told Obadiah   As the Lord of hosts lives, before Whom I stand, I will surely show myself to Ahab today.” 1 Kings 18:15
The Victory and the Reward is around the corner don’t give up. 


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