“The wisdom from above.”

by | May 13, 2019

“The wisdom from above.” 

“But the wisdom from above is always pure, filled with Peace, considerate and teachable. It is filled with love and never displays prejudice or hypocrisy in any form, and it always bears the beautiful harvest of righteousness! Good seeds of wisdom’s fruit will be planted with peaceful acts by those who cherish making Peace.” James 3:17-18 

Where is the source of your decisions?

What is the primary motive of your actions?

What characterizes your life pattern?

The Bible makes it clear that the way of life of the child of God is Peace.

Jesus Christ is Peace. He is the embodiment of Peace.

“For to us a Child is born, to us, a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father [of Eternity], Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6 

Is the inner Peace inside of you intact?

His Peace is with you regardless of the chaos and distortions around you.

“I leave the gift of Peace with you—my Peace. Not the kind of fragile Peace given by the world, but my perfect Peace. Don’t yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts—instead, be courageous!”  John 14:27 TPT)

Be at Peace within yourselves and don’t rush to make hasty decisions 

Speak Peace to the situation around you.

“Whoever wants to embrace true life and find beauty in each day

must stop speaking evil, hurtful words and never deceive in what they say.

Always turn from what is wrong and cultivate what is good; eagerly pursue Peace in every relationship, making it your prize.”

“The LORD gives his people strength.  The LORD blesses them with Peace.”


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