THE LORD’s servant

by | May 3, 2021

THE LORD’s servant
“Moses, the LORD’s servant, was dead. So the LORD spoke to Joshua, son of Nun, who had been the assistant of Moses. The LORD said:”
Joshua 1:1 (CEV)

We all know Moses as the Lord’s servant.
Whose servant are You?
Can you be described as the Lord’s servant?
Do you hear from God daily and consistently do what you are asked?
“For a true servant of our Lord Jesus will not be argumentative but gentle toward all and skilled in helping others see the truth, having great patience toward the immature.” 2 Timothy 2:24 (TPT)
Is your lifestyle in sync with what Paul defines as a faithful servant of the Lord.?
Don’t be full of arguments.
Be gentle towards all.
All means all
Skilled in helping others see the truth.
Great patience towards the immature.

Can you really tolerate others who are not as knowledgeable as you?
Or are you quick to cut them to size?
“They claimed to be servants of the God who rules heaven and earth. And they said they were rebuilding the temple that was built many years ago by one of Israel’s greatest kings” Ezra 5:11 (CEV)
When they were reporting the servants of the Lord rebuilding the temple.
It was said of them that they were focused on working on the temple.
Are you strengthening the body of Christ, or are you pulling it apart?
Faithful servants of the Lord use every available opportunity to advance the kingdom.
Are you about your own personal agenda or God’s agenda?
“I am your servant. Help me understand so that I may come to know your written instructions.” Psalm 119:125(GW)
As a servant of God, continuously depend on Him to guide and direct you.
Whose servant are You?


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