Steps To Recovery, Restoration, And Come-Back.

by | Sep 19, 2022

Steps To Recovery, Restoration, And Come-Back.
Lessons from David 1 Samuel 30: 1-26

  1. In your down moments, encourage yourself as David did in his distress 30:6
  2. Seek God’s guidance and direction through prayers. Avoid doing the obvious or leaning on your own understanding
  3. Take action by faith even when there are no guarantees. There is a time to pray and a time to act. 30:9
  4. Persist in pursuing your goals, even in the face of obstacles and discouragements. Remain focused on victory. 30: 10
  5. Remain kind, good, and faithful even in the valley and on your way to restoration. Often, they are the lubricant for your motor wheels. 30:11-13
  6. Be humble and seek help on your way to recovery. Don’t look down on anyone or small opportunities as God can use anyone and anything. 30:15
  7. Be magnanimous in victory when you recover. Give glory to God and share your successes with others, whether they helped you along the way or not. 30: 21-25.
    Joseph Asebiode.
    ***This piece was shared by Brother Joseph Asbiode at the Leadership Summit on Getting Up From Set Backs -Unachieved Goals -The Way Out, held on Saturday, September 17th, 2022.


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