The changing face of Christianity Traditional or Modern Approach? – Part 3.

by | May 24, 2021

The changing face of Christianity Traditional or Modern Approach?.
Part 3.
“And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles.”
Acts 2:42-43 (KJV)
Prayer meetings?.
They are one of the most poorly attended church programs in most churches.
Now members dial into prayer lines which connects more people together than those who are actually physically present in the church to pray.
The challenge?
Many are “multitasking” while praying online.
Rarely do you have focussed and intentional prayer sessions.
How do You pray now?
Again, some Christians do testify to answered prayers through the telephone and Online ministries.
Brethren used to gather and strategically map out door to door and street by street evangelism.
Morden-day evangelism is now at the discretion of the believer.
Is the church growing?
Do You still share your Faith when alone?
Is there Personal Evangelism anymore?
Or the two by two as the Master once sent them out?
Holy communion?.
The sacred sacrament traditionally before has to be given by the priests in the sanctuary.
So we were earlier taught.
Now with the knowledge of God that you are a priest and a king:
Christians now take the sacred communion at home and no longer in the church sanctuary, mainly in house fellowships.
In the past Season Greetings, to celebrate Easter, Christmas, and the new year, printed card selection and giving were part of the celebrations.
Today, E-Cards are being sent by a growing number of people, gradually doing away with the printed cards.
Much more, the Bible itself has been transformed into an electronic format.
Gone are the days when a big Bible characterizes your level of Faith.
Now your phone or any handheld device has all the translations and different versions of the Bible.
Whichever way You choose.
Your character and life should portray the Glory of God.
Anything short of Him being seen in your life is a challenge.
“The mature children of God are those who are moved by the impulses of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 8:14(TPT)
What are You being led to do?
So, what do you believe?
The traditional or the modern approach to Christianity?


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