The Angel of the Lord stooped down. encircling me, empowering me, and showing me how to escape

by | Mar 27, 2020

The Angel of the Lord stooped down. encircling me, empowering me, and showing me how to escape
“The Angel of the Lord stooped down to listen as I prayed, encircling me, empowering me, and showing me how to escape. He will do this for everyone who fears God. Drink deeply of the pleasures of this God. Experience for yourself the joyous mercies he gives to all who turn to hide themselves in him. Worship in awe and wonder, all you who’ve been made holy! For all who fear him will feast with plenty.” Psalm 34:7-9 (TPT)
In this season, the Angel of God, through the enabling power of the Holy Spirit, gives you all-round protection.
The Angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.
If you honor the LORD,  his Angel will protect you.
For the Angel of the Lord guards and rescues all who reverence him
Fear Him.
Trust Him.
Reverence Him.
Worship Him.
“GOD’s Angel sets up a circle of protection around us while we pray. Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes, and see— how good GOD is. Blessed are you who run to him. Worship GOD if you want the best; worship opens doors to all his goodness.” Psalm 34:7-9  (MSG)
Be full of His Presence, especially through worship, and continue to enjoy His Unlimited Protection and Guidance. 


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