Send portions to those who cannot provide for themselves.

by | Jan 8, 2021

Send portions to those who cannot provide for themselves.
“Then he told them, “Go, eat rich foods, drink sweet drinks, and send portions to those who cannot provide for themselves. Today is a holy day for the Lord. Don’t be sad because the Joy you have in the LORD is your Strength.” Nehemiah 10:8 (GW)
2021 the Year of Great Exploits Surpassing Expectations
Become personally acquainted with Him.
You need to take delight in the Almighty God.
The Joy you have in the Lord is your Strength.
Most of us know the song:
“The Joy of the Lord is my Strength X4
He gives me living water.
And I thirst no more.
He gives me living water.
And I thirst no more.
He gives me living water.
And I thirst no more.
The Joy of the Lord is my Strength.”
However, there is a significant doing part in that text we ignore.
Send Portions to those who cannot provide for themselves.
Send presents to those in need.
Send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared:
You want the Joy of the Lord to flow ceaselessly in you?
Look around you and give joyfully to those in need.
It’s not always about money.
You can give your time to pray.
You can provide solutions to a challenging issue.
You can provide a listening ear to someone.
2021 is a Year of Joyful Exploits.
Start today by being led to give Joy to somebody.
As you continue in your love for God:
The Joy of the Lord becomes your Strength.


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