
by | Sep 29, 2017

“For there is nothing hidden that shall not be disclosed, nor anything secret that shall not be known and come out into the open.” Luke 8:17
What does this verse convey to you?
How do you feel when you know that one-day all the things that you have done secretly will be made known?
This illustrates the fact that someday everything in men’s hearts shall be brought to light and made plain to all.
Yes your confessed sins are forgiven and you can also quote the verses that as far from the east is from the west so far HE has removed your sins and HE does not remember them any more.

Some years back people illustrate with the computer that you can delete stuff and nobody will know but now forensic technology has made it possible that whatever you have done on the computer even though you press the delete button all what you did can be fully recovered.

Whatever you are doing today be conscious of the fact that before God nothing is secret and do not continue in sin with the justification that only God knows and you have settled it with God.

Take time to reflect today and change your ways with the awareness that should your life be made plain to all today will you be proud or ashamed of the choices you are making? 
“God will judge us for everything we do, including every secret thing, whether good or bad.” Ecclesiastes 12:14.


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