Say unto this mountain

by | Jan 31, 2018

“For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.” Mark 11:23 (KJV)
For you to see the manifestation of what you desire you must say it out first precisely as you want it to happen.
Many of us keep quiet without the verbal expression of those things we want to happen.
Look at the nature of God that made you in His image; HE speaks things into existence. (Genesis 1)
Yes, He speaks something that never existed in reality, and they happen.
To keep quiet and not verbalize your desires is short-circuiting yourself.
Some of our backgrounds had taught us to the contrary that you pray silently especially the misinterpretations of the story Jesus said about the Pharisees and the Sadducees that were praying in the temple. (Luke 18:9-14)
The focus of that parable is about who was the focus of their prayer.
Your prayer is to God and not your neighbor or those near you.
To see the result you have to declare openly with your mouth the things you want God to do which you have searched out from the scriptures and given some thoughts (meditation) and then saying them out to God.
Thank Him immensely and joyfully for answering your prayers before you physically see the results. Surely the results will come provided you reject all the doubts and negative confessions that you may be tempted to say after such prayers.
The real process is your continuous saying and believing what you have said out to God as your prayers and confession.
This action is what removes those mountains and actualizes your true dreams as realities.
As this first month of the New Year is rolling away open your mouth to God and say those things you want to manifest in your life this year.
Don’t go back in any shape and form to cancel with your mouth what you have requested for. Don’t explain it away or rationalize that it’s  taking longer then verbally scales it down.
Don’t be ashamed to affirm and affirm again what you believe Him for regardless of the circumstances. 
Stay faithful to the Word of God that your requests are rooted in, and you will like Jesus said have whatsoever you have said.


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