Resist the devil

by | Jun 21, 2019

Resist the devil 
“So be subject to God. Resist the devil [stand firm against him], and he will flee from you.” James 4:7 (AMPC)

 Your destiny dictates your present circumstances. 
If you can get a grip on that, you will accept, and not reject or resist, your present challenges 
Do you have an understanding of what you are going through? 
Take time to wait upon God and clarify what challenges are your makings  
“Peter, my dear friend, listen to what I’m about to tell you. Satan has demanded to come and sift you like wheat and test your faith.  However, I have prayed for you, Peter, that you would stay faithful to me no matter what comes. Remember this: after you have turned back to me and have been restored, make it your life mission to strengthen the faith of your brothers.” “But Lord,” Peter replied, “I am ready to stand with you to the very end, even if it means prison or death!” Jesus looked at him and prophesied, “Before the rooster crows in the morning, you will deny  three times that you even know me.” Luke 22:31-34 (TPT) 
With hindsight, Peter should have understood and resisted the devil.
Instead, he went with the flow and was reacting to events as they came.
Don’t just talk on impulse like Peter did.
Allow what the Holy Spirit is saying to you sink in!!!. 
The only thing you need to resist is the devil. 

It takes perception to know the difference.  
Remember Joseph, David & Daniel. 
 They made it
 You too will Fulfill your God-given destiny 
 “So then, surrender to God. Stand up to the devil and resist him, and he will turn and run away from you.” 
Do not give up. Do not Quit.


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