Mary, Mary, and Mary.

by | Nov 23, 2020

“Mary, Jesus’ mother, was standing next to his Cross, along with Mary’s sister, Mary, the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. So when Jesus looked down and saw the disciple he loved standing with her, he said, “Mother, look—John will be a son to you.” Then he said, “John, look—she will be a mother to you!” From that day on, John accepted Mary into his home as one of his own family.” John‬ 19:25‬-27 (TPT‬‬‬‬‬‬)
Mary, Mary, and Mary.
Yes, The Cross of Jesus Christ is a leveler.

Mary, the divinely chosen of God who had favor with God to be the earthen vessel used.
Despite being the mother, she too looked at the Cross.
People with outstanding testimonies are looking at the Cross.
Mary, the Sister of Mary, the mother of our Lord, was also there.
This second Mary was the wife of Cleopas. One of the two disciples who walked with Jesus on the road to Emmaus. (Luke 24:13-18)
Family members are also looking at the Cross.
Mary Magdalene was also there.
Jesus cleansed her of seven demons, and she supported His ministry.
She was the first person to see Him after the Resurrection.
Jesus said He came to seek the lost.
Many have been lost.
Grace and Mercy found them out.
The Cross always brings together diverse people who are united in their looking unto Him.
Who is standing next to you in your walking and focus on the Lord?
Are you reacting to the person next to you or gazing steadfastly at the Cross?
When you are fixated on God’s purpose and assignment for your life, you agape others around you
Color, education, and wealth don’t and should not define how you relate to your brethren.
What determines the clothes that you put onto the house of God?.

These days of Zooming?.
What are you showcasing to other viewers?
What’s your real motive in your choice of what others see on you?
As you drive into the church car park, are you looking at which car is better than yours or the ones that yours outclassed?
Thank God Uber has helped redefine car status.
Do you have problems as to where the usher wants to sit you in the church?
You only want to sit with a class of people.
“looking unto Jesus, the author and [b]finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Hebrews 12:2(NKJV)
The Crucifixion portrayed the Cross of Christ.
How are you looking at the Cross?


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