Just as He Said.

by | Jul 19, 2019

Just as He Said.
 “He isn’t here—he has risen victoriously, just as he said! Come inside the tomb and see the place where our Lord was lying.” Matthew 28:6 (TPT)
From the beginning of creation, everything happened just as He said.
God said, “let there be,” in Genesis 1, and it has been so till today.
God has taught us in so many ways in the scriptures that we have to say what we believe in our hearts, and we will see it come to pass.
What are you saying today about your destiny?
Jesus spoke what His purpose in life was about, and at every point, He confessed what the Father has said about Him.
It all happened as HE said it would.
Say words that are in line with your purpose in life.
No matter the challenges you are facing say only His words that line up with your life.
Never speak negatively about your purpose in life.
Make positive confessions at all times.
Remember the Shunammite woman? (2 Kings 4)
She experienced the resurrection of her son.
Jesus Himself said positive words about dead Lazarus; he came back to life.
Whatever appeared dead in your situation speak life to it in Jesus name.
The path to the cross was filled with purposeful challenges, and at each point, Jesus spoke what was required.
He told Satan that man shall not live by bread alone but by the word of God.
He emphasized and encouraged us to speak to our destiny.
No matter the area of your life look for the word of God and speak it over the situation.
In healing say by His stripes, you are healed. He wishes above all that you are healthy and prosperous, that’s what you should always say to yourself.


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