It is entirely up to God to show Mercy.

by | Mar 12, 2021

It is entirely up to God to show Mercy.

“He had every right to say to Moses: “I will be merciful to whomever I choose, and I will show compassion to whomever I wish.” Again, this proves that God’s choice doesn’t depend on how badly someone wants it or tries to earn it, but it depends on God’s Kindness and Mercy. For just as God said to Pharaoh: “I raised you up as ruler of Egypt for this reason, that I might make you an example of how I demonstrate my miracle power. For by the example of how I deal with you, my powerful name will be a message proclaimed throughout the earth!” So again, we see that it is entirely up to God to show Mercy or to harden the hearts of whomever he chooses.” Romans 9:15-18(TPT).

Be careful not to sit t at the “judgment seat,” dishing out your verdicts.
Some matters are entirely up to God.
Therefore, don’t always have that “entitlement attitude” to God.

You must always factor in God’s Mercy and Grace.

God’s kindness and Grace must be recognized in every achievement of yours.
You are not that superstar all by yourself.
God’s Grace made it possible.

“I will worship you, Yahweh, with extended hands as my whole heart erupts with praise! I will tell everyone everywhere about your wonderful works!” Psalm9:1 (TPT)
Remember, because you have received Mercy, you too can show Mercy.
When you genuinely pray for others, God’s Mercy is extended to them.
“When others are disgraced, God will clear their names in answer to your prayers. Even those who are guilty will be forgiven because you obey God” Job 22:29-30(CEV)
“Thank You, Lord

For all, You’ve given to me.
For all the blessings, I cannot see
Thank You Lord
Thank You Lord
With a grateful heart
With a song of praise
With an outstretched arm
I will bless Your name…” Don Moen


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