Is God with You?

by | Feb 28, 2022

Is God with You?
“Salvation belongeth unto the Lord: Thy blessings is upon the people.” Ps.3:8(KJV).
In Psalm 3, you will notice some people told David God will not save him from his enemies.
However, his experience was different.
Do you have friends telling you God will not help you?
He went through many difficult times in his life.
Times he had to flee for his life.
Times when even his own son attempted to kill him.

David remained faithful to God.
He kept on serving God with a whole heart.
That does not mean David did not sin.
He was not a perfect man.
God had to send the prophet to David:
Telling him how much he sinned against God.
But he repented. David improved his life.

He did not listen to those telling him God would not help him.
He was described as a man after God’s own heart. (1 Sam. 13:14)
David was a beloved of God.
Do you want to be beloved by God?
Application to the Christian life:
Repent and submit to God.
Resist poor advice.
Follow God’s own heart too.


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