I know we can do it!
Its Not Logic
by Destiny Empowerment | 6 July 2018 | Non classé | 0 Comments
Your logical answers could be wrong "And His disciples asked Him, saying, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" John 9:2When the disciples saw the man that was born blind, their facts and logic led them to conclude and asked Jesus...
So that we don’t repeat their mistakes
by Destiny Empowerment | 20 July 2020 | Non classé | 0 Comments
So that we don’t repeat their mistakes“These are all warning markers—danger! —In our history books, written down so that we don’t repeat their mistakes. Our positions in the story are parallel—they at the beginning, we at the end—and we are just as capable of messing...
Prudent in speech, and a handsome man; and the LORD is with him.
by Destiny Empowerment | 12 May 2017 | Non classé | 0 Comments
Then one of the young men said, "Behold, I have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite who is a skillful musician, a mighty man of valor, a warrior, one prudent in speech, and a handsome man; and the LORD is with him." 1 Samuel 16:18David’s other attributes...