“I have seen him as you promised me”

by | Nov 8, 2017

“Simeon was there and took the child in his arms, praising God. “Lord,” he said, “now I can die content! For I have seen him as you promised me I would. I have seen the Savior you have given to the world.” Luke 2:28-31
God’s promises never fails. That’s the testimony of Simon as he held the baby Jesus in his hands when the parents brought him into the temple. He brought more understanding and confirmation to Mary about the assignment of the Messiah.
Be reminded today that God will not only fulfill HIS promises to you HE will also send helpers to your divine destiny along the way just as we can see what HE did to Mary by assuring Joseph as her husband, Simon confirming the Messiah and Anna the prophetess declaring the redemptive purpose of the Savior.    
Whatsoever is God’s assignment in your hand HE will perfect it and send divine helpers to bring understanding, clarity and fulfillment.     
                         Keep your focus on HIM.      
 “Not a word failed of any good thing which the Lord had spoken to the house of Israel. All came to pass.” Joshua 21:45
God always delivers on HIS promises. 


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