How can God help you?

by | Mar 28, 2022

How can God help you?
“My God hath sent his angel, and hath shut the lions’ mouths, that they have not hurt me: forasmuch as before him innocency was found in me; and also before thee, O king, have I done no hurt.” Daniel 6:22(KJV).
God saved Daniel from the lions.
Did it just happen because Daniel prayed for protection?
Daniel gave the reason why God saved him.
Daniel was innocent before God as well as before the king.
Can we ask God’s blessings if we do harm to someone else?
Why would God help us when we do not serve Him?
Why would He protect us when we do not obey Him?
What do you do when your friends want you to do something you should not do?
What do you do at work when your boss expects you to do something the wrong way?
What do you choose when you can make extra money accepting a bribe?
When we honor God and humble ourselves before Him, we do not even have to ask Him for help.
He will do it anyway.
When we are humble, we ask His help because we will not take His help for granted.
We deserve nothing.
It is all His grace.
What are you doing daily?
Will it allow God to always be your helper?
Application to the Christian life:
Be humble and innocent before God.
Resist sin.
Obey Him and follow Jesus.


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