by | Sep 13, 2019

A season of intense intercession

“When Herod realized how much this pleased the Jewish leaders, he had Peter arrested and thrown into prison during the Feast of Passover. Sixteen soldiers were assigned to guard him until Herod could bring him to public trial, immediately after the Passover celebrations were over. The church went into a season of intense intercession, asking God to free him.  ….all at once an angel of the Lord appeared, filling his prison cell with a brilliant light. The angel struck Peter on the side to awaken him and said, “Hurry up! Let’s go!” Instantly the chains fell off his wrists. The angel told him, “Get dressed. Put on your sandals, bring your cloak, and follow me.” Acts 12:4-8  (TPT)
Intercessory prayer still works.
I know you say you do pray.
How often do you intercede?
Great, Prayer of Faith and positive declarations are great too.
Intercession is the prayer that pleads with God for your needs and the needs of others.
Not “me only”prayers.
It is based on taking hold of God’s will and refusing to let go until His will comes to pass.
“Intercession is warfare — the key to God’s battle plan for our lives.”
The church then prayed for Peter, who was imprisoned by Herod.
Who are you interceding for?
Relationship with Christ is not just asking for yourself and members of your family.
Ask the Holy Spirit who you and your ministry should be interceding for periodically.
“Most of all, I’m writing to encourage you to pray with gratitude to God. Pray for all men with all forms of prayers and requests as you intercede with intense passion.”1 Timothy 2:1 (TPT)
Intercede with intense passion as the Holy Spirit leads you


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