A long-time had passed?

by | Aug 14, 2019

A long-time had passed?
 “The people saw that a long time had passed and Moses had not come down from the mountain. So they gathered around Aaron and said, “Moses led us out of Egypt, but we don’t know what has happened to him. Make us gods who will lead us.”….. He took the gold from the people and formed it with a tool and made a statue of a calf. Then the people said, “Israel, these are your gods who brought you out of the land of Egypt!”  Exodus 32:1-4 (NCV)
When the Israelites thought they had waited too long for Moses to come down from the mountain, their focus shifted. They were ready to make do with an alternative and a dreadful alternative for that matter.
What has God promised you that appeared to be taking too long?
Are you comparing yourself with other people, thereby getting impatient?
Are you contemplating an alternative?
As we saw with the Israelites, their impatience grew to desperation, and they made a substitute god.
God is faithful, and His delays are not denials.
 Don’t be pressured making hasty decisions.
He that believeth does not make haste.
Therefore don’t make hasty, impatient decisions that will leave you with adverse consequences afterward.
For the vision is for an appointed time, even though it tarries wait for it will surely come pass.
Hold on to the promises of God and keep praising Him.
HE is at work.
How Long Can You Wait?


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