God’s Kingdom.

by | Nov 21, 2022

God’s Kingdom.
“But he saveth the poor from the sword, from their mouth, and from the hand of the mighty.” Job 5:15. (KJV).
Jesus came to seek the lost.
Whether rich or poor.
Whether lonely or surrounded by people.
Every living soul needs an encounter with the Lord.
Especially the poor.
As Kingdom Representative here:
Do you speak for the poor and the oppressed?
Don’t regard someone as “too bad” to be saved
Ask God for wisdom to reach them.
Equally, don’t assume that someone is already saved.
Ask the Holy Spirit for the witness in your heart.
What type of fruit is the person producing?
Are you prepared to tell your friends about God?
Are you prepared to be His servant in His Kingdom?
In your God Given dominion:
Speak for the oppressed and the poor.
Let God depend on you to reach someone today.
“Then he commissioned them to proclaim God’s kingdom and to heal the sick to demonstrate that the kingdom had arrived. As he sent them out, he gave them these instructions”. Luke 9:2 (TPT)
Tell at least one person today about His Kingdom.


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