God Leads Us.

by | Jan 10, 2022

God Leads Us.
“Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get ye out of your country, and from your kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee.” Gen. 12:1(KJV).
God commanded Abram to leave everything he loved and go where God sent him.
When Jesus chose His disciples and called to them to follow Him.
They left everything and followed Him.
In both cases, the result was great blessings from God.
Does God really expect you to leave your parents?
Does He expect you to go to a different country?
What does God expect you to do?
God will not give you your own country like He did with Abram.
God wants to give you a place in His Kingdom.
You do, however, must leave your own desires.
There are different spheres of life God wants you to dominate.
It could be in the medicine, entertainment, or construction industry.
God wants you to be the masterpiece that glorifies His kingdom.
You must leave your earthly dreams, and you must follow Jesus.
This does not mean you must not strive for a beautiful earthly life.
This means you must do everything you do to the glory of God.
Abraham was successful in his earthly life because God blessed him. Abraham always pleased God.
You can also be blessed in your earthly life, but always do what pleases God.
That way, you are not only Blessed, you also become a Blessing.
Application to the Christian life:
Be prepared to sacrifice to follow Jesus.
Listen to Him and follow Him.
Have Dominion in all your God-Given assignments.
Do everything to the honor of God.


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