Find your rest in Jesus.

by | Apr 22, 2022

Find your rest in Jesus.
“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matt. 11:28 (KJV).
Are you tired of living?
Does everything seem to be too much?
Too much work for too little pay?
It seems like your friends have a ball of a time.
While everything around you falls apart?.
Your friends cannot help you.
They do not even understand your problems.
What must you do?
God hears your cry.
He knows your heartache.
He knows your concerns.
He also knows what you need.
Take your concerns and heartaches to Jesus.
He may not immediately take the hard work away.
Indeed, He cares for you.
Allow Him to manage your problems.
Keep on doing what you need to do.
Later you will realize all went well.
Do not despair.
Do not give up hope.
Can you put your trust in God?
Application to the Christian life:
Take your concerns to Jesus.
Trust Him to help you.
He will give you a great reward.


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