Comfort, comfort my people.

by | Oct 23, 2020

Comfort, comfort my people.
“Your God says to you: “Comfort, comfort my people with gentle, compassionate words. Speak tenderly from the heart to revive those in Jerusalem, and proclaim that their warfare is over.[ Her debt of sin is paid for, and she will not be treated as guilty. Prophesy to her that she has received from the hand of Yahweh twice as many blessings as all her sins. “Isaiah 40:1-2 (TPT)
God is saying to you today, be comforted.
Your heart has been troubled with so many unbelievable events.
You have wondered where God is in all these?
Why would a righteous God allow so many injustices to be carried out, especially against the innocent and defenseless people?
Your God says to Comfort, Comfort, my people.
Our God has said: “Encourage my people! Give them Comfort.
“Comfort, yes, comfort my people,” says your God.
Very shortly:
“Every valley will be raised up, every mountain brought low. The rugged terrain will become level ground and, the rough places a plain.”
Isaiah 40:4 (TPT)
“Some of those present informed Jesus that Pilate had slaughtered some Galilean Jews… Jesus turned and asked the crowd, “Do you believe that the slaughtered Galileans were the worst sinners of all the Galileans? No, they weren’t! So listen to me. Unless you all repent, you will perish as they did. Or what about the eighteen who perished when the tower of Siloam fell upon them? Do you really think that they were more guilty than all of the others in Jerusalem? No, they weren’t. But unless you repent, you will all eternally perish, just as they did.” Luke 13:1-5 (TPT)
The Challenge here is that if anything should happen to you now?
Will you make it to heaven?
One day all these inequalities will be removed.
Sin that has caused many interruptions into the orderliness that God has purposed will be eventually be removed.
Where will you be on that day?
Be Encouraged that Jehovah has the last say on so many issues that are baffling us.
It is always better and safer to be on the Lord’s side here and then.
That is the only guaranteed win-win.
Paul said whether he is alive or dead, he is with Christ (Philippians 1:21)
The injustices you are witnessing and possibly experiencing has an expiry date.
However, you and God do not.
Eternity is real.
Whose side will you be


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