Doing good.

by | Dec 6, 2021

Doing good.
For it is better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well-doing than for evil-doing. 1 Peter 3:17. (KJV).
What is the difference?
Between suffering because of well-doing and for evil-doing?
When you do something wrong in your daily life.
You are liable for punishment.
You are punished because what you have done is unacceptable.
You must learn not to do it again.
It is a lesson learned.
You are not encouraged to break the laws for good governance.
Set out on time for your trip.
It is better than breaking the speed limit.
However, some persecutions come your way.
Mainly for standing for righteousness.
When God allows suffering when you do good,
He is teaching you something.
That is not punishment.
God trusts you.
He knows you will learn from Him.
He can prepare you for His Kingdom.
God is pleased with your progress.
What kind of suffering are you experiencing?
A self-inflicted injury?
Or Challenges that will strengthen your faith?
Application to the Christian life:
Be thankful for the circumstances in your life.
God knows what you are going through.
Trust Him.
His Wisdom will guide you.


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