Crucified Flesh.

by | Jun 18, 2021

Crucified Flesh.
And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with affections and lusts. Gal. 5:24. (KJV).
Do you like to have fun?
Today quite a lot of people will say:
Thank God for its Friday!
What do you and your friends do during the weekend?
What do you do to wind down?
There is nothing wrong with having fun.
Or sometimes, we use the word relax.
It depends on what the fun is about.
When you have fun, can you invite Jesus to join you?
To have fun where a person will not invite Jesus is part of human nature. It is also that kind of fun that separates us from God.
As a child of God, it is important to resist that kind of fun.
The verse mentioned the word crucified.
It is not easy to stop having that kind of fun.
Do you realize God knows what you are doing even though you did not invite Him?
Do you want to be a child of God?
Can you make a new beginning as a new person?
Application to the Christian life:
Start fresh.
Resist temptation.
Serve God.
Be humble.
Have fun with God invited.


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