Compare themselves with one another

by | Nov 27, 2019

Compare themselves with one another
“Not that we [have the audacity to] venture to class or [even to] compare ourselves with some who exalt and furnish testimonials for themselves! However, when they measure themselves with themselves and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding and behave unwisely.” 2 Corinthians 10:12 AMPC)
Stop comparing yourself with another person.
You are a unique gift from God.
You have your definite purposeful assignment in life.
God, in His wisdom, does not duplicate destiny.
As you interact with one another, celebrate each person’s uniqueness.
“compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding and behave unwisely.”
“make up their standards to measure themselves by, and then they judge themselves by their rules. What self-delusion!
“they are foolish to compare themselves with themselves.”
“in all this comparing and grading and competing, they quite miss the point.”
Don’t be unwise.
Don’t live in self-delusion
Don’t be foolish.
Don’t miss the point.
Stop Comparing yourself with another.


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