Between the Shepherds and the Lepers

by | Mar 10, 2017

Amongst outstanding stories in the Bible are the stories about the Shepherds heralding the news about the birth of the savior. Christmas story always involves the shepherds and their encounter with the angels. They went immediately Proclaiming the Good News they just heard. 
There are many stories about lepers in the Bible but one of the outstanding ones are those lepers locked outside the city gate of Samaria during the siege which led to serious famine.
Unlike the shepherds who saw the spectacular in form of the angelic appearance the lepers were compelled by their circumstances of starvation to explore. 
Both groups experienced the Good News which they could not keep to themselves and made the Proclamations which brought joy and turnaround to people. 
Whatever way we have gotten to know the Good News of the Kingdom of God we must share it with others so they can be made better.
 Don’t shut your mouth.  Make the Proclamation that you know. 
Whether your testimony is like that of the shepherds or you went through a process of self discovery like the lepers open your mouth and share the Good News to mankind by your life. 
God reveals Himself to us in diverse manners. Once you know the truth live it out and share it. 
Many may have never read the Bible before meeting you. You are the written Bible that those who encounter you will see and come to a decision. 
Whatever your experience has been between the shepherds and the lepers please Proclaim the Good news. 


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