Be Wise.

by | Mar 7, 2022

Be Wise.
“Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.” Proverbs 20:1(KJV).
People often say they drink to relax.
“The days are so stressful.
There are so many worries.”
They drink to forget.
What a mockery.
The drink fools you to think you relax.
You do not really.
Alcohol is a sedative and has the effect of relaxing:
However, it interferes with your sleep patterns.
After a while when you get addicted.
It begins gradual damage to your health.
When you do not sleep well, you will have more trouble tomorrow.
It also interferes with your way of thinking.
You may make wrong decisions, resulting in more problems.
You may wake up with a headache making you a difficult person.
You may be poorer after the drink, which results in more worries.
Be wise.
Don’t be deceived.
Put your trust in God.
He will help you.
Application to the Christian life:
Put your trust in God, not in men or addiction.
Experience the extraordinary life He can give you.


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