An honest man with no hidden motive!

by | Aug 4, 2021

“Philip went to look for his friend, Nathanael, and told him, “We’ve found him! We’ve found the One we’ve been waiting for! It’s Jesus, son of Joseph from Nazareth! He’s the One whom Moses and the prophets prophesied would come!” Nathanael sneered, “Nazareth! What good thing could ever come from Nazareth?” Philip answered, “Come and let’s find out!” When Jesus saw Nathanael approaching, he said, “Here comes a true son of Israel—an honest man with no hidden motive!” 
John 1:45-47(TPT)

How have you been doing in witnessing Christ to your friends?
Are you finding and actively bring others to Christ? 
The joy of salvation is sharing and spreading the Good News of the Kingdom. 
In our text, Jesus’s not only encouraged soul winning, but He celebrated and commended the purity of the heart of Nathaniel.
“Blessed are the pure in heart, For they shall see God.”
Matthew 5:8(NKJV)

Several years ago, when in College.
I came across a rare Saint of God.
Who I can by His Grace did not lie. 
No ambiguity in his statement.
He was pure in heart. 

A rare gem. 
He was transparently honest. 

Brother Akintunde John Aremu would easily fit into Jesus’s Description of Nathaniel. 
He went home to be with the Lord this January 2021. 
It’s been quite challenging coming to terms with the fact that he has relocated to heaven. 
The attached piece titled Remembering Brother Akintunde John Aremu attempts to capture his life’s significance on others. 
Akintunde will want you to continue in soul winning and living a pure life. 
He was challenged, tested, and tried.
He overcame in Jesus’s Name. 
You, too, can leave a life of legacy that will glorify God.
Special thanks to. 
The LVCUA’s platform whose tributes are also shared.
Be encouraged with his testimony.


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