You’ve restored Jacob’s destiny from captivity.

by | Nov 2, 2020

You’ve restored Jacob’s destiny from captivity.
“Lord, your love has poured out so many amazing blessings on our land!
You’ve restored Jacob’s destiny from captivity. You’ve forgiven our many sins and covered every one of them in your love. Pause in his presence. So now it’s obvious that your blazing anger has ended, and the furious fire of wrath has been extinguished by your Mercy.” Psalm 85:1-3 (TPT)
God had purposed even before Jacob was born to bless him.
(Romans 9:13)
However, he initially went about the fulfillment of his dream in the wrong way.
He manipulated, cheated, conspired, and used other methods that could “help.”
Finally, he realized that it is only the person that God blesses that is truly blessed.
He and an encounter with God and yielded to God’s way of making him become.
Whatsoever way you have started wrongly, you can turn it over to God.
The same God that in HIS Mercy restored Jacob’s destiny is still at work.
Come to Him today, admitting your wrong turns.
Stop blaming others.
Your birth?
And circumstances beyond your control?.
You don’t know my story; I hear you say.
Jesus is standing by, you know, just as he stood beside the sick man at the pool of Bethsaida.
“Do you want to be made well?”
Grace and Mercy overlooked his excuses.
His destiny was restored as he obeyed Jesus’s instructions. (John 5:8)
Turn over all the struggles to Jesus today.
HE is the same Yesterday, Today, and Forever.
HE restored the fortunes of Israel.
He will restore your destiny.


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