Angels are still on assignments

by | Dec 13, 2017

And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.  And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.Luke 2:8-9
It was an angel that brought the good news of the Savior to the shepherds who then searched for the baby Jesus in the manger. 
Angels appeared in many places in the Bible doing what God has commanded them to do. 
In the Christmas story, they were the first messengers of the Good news.
Angels are still on assignments today and when the need arises God even use them to bring His purpose to pass in the lives of His children.
Years ago I was traveling to a town in Britain, and due to train delays, nobody was available to pick me as scheduled. When it was apparent that I was alone in the middle of the night in a place, I had never been before a car showed up and took me to my destination without being paid. To me, that’s God showing up sending an Angel to rescue.
Have Faith in God that with HIM all things are possible.
You can also be that angel that God can use to show kindness to somebody in need.
In this season be attentive to what God will have you do to deliver Love, Joy, and Peace to someone this Christmas.
Angels are still on assignment bearing glad tidings including You to humanity.


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