You keep every promise you’ve ever made to me!

by | Mar 19, 2021

You keep every promise you’ve ever made to me!
“You keep every promise you’ve ever made to me! Since your love for me is constant and endless, I ask you, Lord, to finish every good thing that you’ve begun in me!” Psalm 138:8 (TPT)

God always keeps His promise.

He does not let you down.
He is not too busy to attend to your matter.
He is still working with you.
Whatever HE has promised you based on His word will come to pass.
“God is no mere human! He doesn’t tell lies or change his mind. God always keeps his promises.” Numbers 23:19(GW)

Where are you today in your journey in life?
What is outstanding in the vision He has given you?
Keep your focus on Him.
He will come true for you.
Remain Faithful.
Keep Praising Him.

Let your confession line up with His Word for you.
“I pray with great faith for you because I’m fully convinced that the One who began this gracious work in you will faithfully continue the process of maturing you until the unveiling of our Lord Jesus Christ!”
Philippians 1:6 (TPT)
His Mercies and Love are new and available for you each day. (Lamentations 3:22-23)
Don’t despair because those who don’t know God seem to be getting ahead.
David at a time thought so too.

However, he quickly understood better, hear him:
“Don’t follow after the wicked ones or be jealous of their wealth. Don’t think for a moment they’re better off than you. They and their short-lived success will soon shrivel up and quickly fade away, like grass clippings in the hot sun.” Psalm 37:1-2(TPT)

Again remember this :
“All who do evil are shameless, but the Lord does right and is always fair.
With the dawn of each day, God brings about justice.”
Zephaniah 3:5(CEV)
It’s another beautiful day.
God has never failed.
Indeed, He will not fail you.


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