You have loved me

by | Feb 14, 2018

“Father, I ask that you allow everyone that you have given to me. to be with me where I am!
    Then they will see my full glory—
 the very splendor you have placed upon me
You have loved me even before the beginning of time.” John 17:24 (TPT)
Today the world marks Valentine’s Day, and it’s a merely human love story. However, before the foundations of the earth, God chose of His volition to first love you and I. This true and uncompromising love is what made Him send His only begotten Son to rescue humanity
It’s quite ironic that the church has been forced to follow the world in celebrating love when the real original undiluted love is actually with her.
God is love.
Whosoever claims to be a believer in God must not only love unconditionally but also let that agape love be a sweet aroma that continually preaches the kingdom of God through the lifestyle of the disciple. 
How do you love today?
Is the genuine agape love of God showing forth in all areas of your life?
“He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.” 1John 4:8 (KJV)
As you see around you today the world’s version of love, you should resolve to let the pure love of God in your heart manifest to your neighbor and all that come to you daily.
You and I have the unique opportunity to show the world that the pure love of God is really in our lives as we manifest it all areas of our assignments in life.
Enough of the church following the world to get attention to be a witness.
As the church rises to its exact responsibilities of dominating our God-given platform people will begin to see that love is not on valentine’s day and equally Christmas is every day with the believer because Christ is celebrated daily in our lives.
The entire universe is standing on tiptoe, yearning to see the unveiling of God’s glorious sons and daughters!” Romans 8:19 (TPT)
It’s not the Hollywood that should dictate how to show forth the Glory of God in our lives. They don’t know it because they do not have it.
It is the believer that has been purchased by the precious blood of the lamb that must occupy and manifest the true Glory of God.
As you see today the world’s compromised version of love be a real child of God to let your life showcase that true love HE has for you and me before the foundation of the world.
Long before the human version of love happened, the creator has loved and extended HIS LOVE to humankind before the foundations of the world.
“Father, I ask that you allow everyone that you have given to be with me where I am!
    Then they will see my full glory—
 the very splendor you have placed upon me because
You have loved me even before the beginning of time.”


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